Podcasts - AMC
AMC: "Veterans Assistance" 01/01/2012
AMC: "Stamp Out Cancer" 12/24/2011
AMC: " Eagle Watching Program" 12/17/2011
AMC: "State Rep. Wayne Rosenthal" 12/10/2011
AMC - Topic: A Christmas Carol 12/03/2011
AMC: "Red Ribbon Christmas in Hillsboro" 11/26/2011
AMC:" 122nd Regiment Infantry Flag" 11/19/2011
AMC: "Angel Tree Project" 11/12/2011
AMC: "Radon & Home Testing" 11/05/2011
AMC: "Festival of Trees" 10/29/2011
AMC: "Let Your Light Shine" 10/22/2011
AMC: "Hunting and Fall Safety" 10/15/2011
AMC: "H.E.I.D.I. Foundation" 10/08/2011
AMC: "The 3-50 Project" 10/01/2011
AMC: "WW II Veterans Project at GHS" 09/24/2011
AMC: "Courthouse Renovations" 09/17/2011
AMC: "Staunton Arts Festival" 09/10/2011
AMC: "Do The Lou Festival" 09/03/2011
AMC: "Mac County Board Chairman" 08/27/2011
AMC: "Litchfield Pre K Program" 08/19/2011
AMC: "Forum to Fund Small Business" 08/13/2011
AMC: "Miss Illinois Outstanding Teen" 08/06/2011
AMC: " Geriatric Theatre's Production" 07/30/2011
AMC: "Hillsboro Revitalization Project" 07/23/2011
AMC:" Dorchester's Sesquicentennial" 07/16/2011
AMC: "The Zone Teen Center" 07/08/2011
AMC: "Raymond 4th of July Celebration" 06/25/2011
AMC: "Golden Grille Challenge" 06/10/2011
AMC: "Irish Days" 05/27/2011
AMC: "Mac Economic Partnership Dinner" 05/07/2011
AMC: "Candidates Forum in Hillsboro" 03/18/2011
AMC: "Brick Fundraising Campaign" 03/12/2011
AMC: "Raymond Park Board and Fire Department Dinner Dance" 02/19/2011
AMC: "Scholarship Dinner/Auction" 01/29/2011
AMC: "Children Of Aging Parents" 01/22/2011
AMC: "Mac County Energy Efficiency " 01/15/2011
AMC: "Bowling For Kids Sake" 01/08/2011
AMC: "A Visit With State Representative Wayne Rosenthal" 12/10/2011